Thursday, March 23, 2006

NW Gets No Respect

Tight game, Gonzaga panicked in the last seconds, but considering how loosely the game was called, what was up with some of the calls the Zags got, and UCLA didn't?

At the bar where I watched the game, there was a kid from Spokane, WA (Gonzaga's home); he got really upset about it all. I cracked "considering we're in Seattle, we should be used to bullshit calls by now."

Seriously, let's get fucking angry. Let's beat up some TV announcers, and kick the asses of the sports media pundits.

I'll be watching UW v. UConn tonight. Not expecting an upset, but I will be watching the calls.

Simply the NW won't get any respect until we give ourselves some, and act accordingly.

Yes, I know, a sports entry, I expect some "as far as I care about sports, whatever." You know what? I like sports, I will write about it. Just deal, folks. Considering the number of posts I've made, a surprising minority of them are about sports. Allow me this one blogging vice.

Tune in next time for some non-sports related items, unless something catches my imagination.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger JJisafool said...

True, and we are the only place where there is no hometown love from officials when we're playing here. That is the one that really gets me, like hometown refs are SO concerned about being fair that they screw the home team.

A little like the Democratic Party, actually.

But, I'm curious how to make this work:

Simply the NW won't get any respect until we give ourselves some, and act accordingly.

Where exactly is the connection here?

At 10:13 AM, Blogger JJisafool said...

No, that's sounds like way to much the dickhead for what I mean...

More like, I'm not sure fans get to dictate the nature of their hometown narrative, at least not much within their own horizons. Like, situations can call for them to rise or fall to the occasion, y'know. But, and the Super Bowl hype was a great example, truths don't matter as much as prevailing sentiment.

I think it is about embracing, rather than trying to change, who we are.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger the beige one said...

Where exactly is the connection here?

Probably none, to be honest, at least nothing tangible. A statement borne of my belief that by raising the level of local pride, the less likely would we be victims to those looking to walk all over someone.

Alas, the only proof I can offer would be the hesitation people generally have to discredit anything coming from NYC, CHI, and LA (SF too for that matter). These are places where the populace, in general, take pride in where they are from.

"If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere." This statement could be applied to any given locale, though not many acknowledge it as such.

In terms of the NBA, the Spurs are the only team over the last decade to have gained the respect of the nation, and that was through simply not giving up.

Seattle's teams have, for the most part, been too busy screwing themselves over. Just as the Sonics show signs of domination, they have a "re-building" year (which means, that the front office has fucked up, yet again).

The Seahawks are the only team I've seen recently that seems to have the determination to succeed in the immediate future.

Let's leave that there for right now.

Re: last night's game, the Zags had that drive and urge and (ultimately) the hunger to make it happen for 39 of the 40 minutes the game was being played. let's make no mistake, ultimately, the Zags panicked like Melanie Griffith unable to refill her Xanax prescription. Had Morrison kept his poise and simply held the ball, instead of passing it, we probably wouldn't be talking about this right now.

But, down the line, the Bruins got some phantom calls their way, and instead of using this to crystallize their will, they became flustered.

There's a certain lack of self-knowledge in that fumbling, and maybe that's where I get my whole "take pride of where you come from, who you are, don't let others dictate these things for you" thing comes from.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger the beige one said...

I think it is about embracing, rather than trying to change, who we are.

Which leads to the natural question: Who are we?

At 1:04 PM, Blogger JJisafool said...

Alas, the only proof I can offer would be the hesitation people generally have to discredit anything coming from NYC, CHI, and LA (SF too for that matter).

Have you not heard of the Mets, the Cubs, the Clippers (or the 49ers led by anyone but Young or Montana, for that mattter)?

(word verification - airowt)

At 1:58 PM, Blogger the beige one said...

Have you not heard of exceptions to the rule?

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Whatever the outcome, it was a great game to watch.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger the beige one said...

and tonight's should be just as good, I hope.

Hey chief!


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